Sunday, January 18, 2009

Let's start off with a heartfelt apology, shall we? I was thinking of all the excuses I could make up as to why I haven't updated this blog in a while, when i realised that you all wouldn't believe me anyway so let's just go with the truth! We've been busy and I honestly haven't taken the time to do it! So, here's a recap of the past month and a half!!
Christmas was wonderful, we got to go up (and i mean UP!) to my parent's house for Christmas to spend it with them and Lyssa's fam. Miracle of miracles, no cousins were harmed in the 4 days together! Non of us adults were harmed either, although we where taking bets to see which of the guys would fall of the deck first as they helped Papa shovel that iceburg. My bet on Ian lost, as he learned from previous years to stay away from the edge and Papa and his snow blower. While the mighty men were busy keeping Jack Frost from nibbling at the structures supports, us woman-folk stayed busy with the kids, eating, playing games and watching movies. Kary and Gianni bonded over a game they like to call "keep our parents awake all night". They tied for first place.
Aly was so full of Santa wonder this year, that when she got her little ceramic reindeer she kept saying "its just what I've always wanted!" And Kary thought that the bag of dried fruit in her stocking was the greatest thing ever. I hope that they keep that spirit of gratefulness with them for the rest of their lives.
On the day we had to go home, Santa called me and said that since the girls had been so good, they could go to the pet store and get a bunny! They were so happy to pick out a cute black bunny that Aly promptly names Frog. With a little convincing, she switched it to Prancer as her way of thanking Santa. Prancer has quickly become a part of our family, Ian is "potty training" him since i trained both of the girls! It is so much fun to hear him scolding the fluffy little thing for sleeping in his litter box! "No, no, Prancer! go potty here and sleep over there! who's a good bunny?" For a cop and a drill Sergeant, he has such a soft spot! Another reason I love him!
After Christmas, we had to say goodbye to my sis and her clan and that proves to be just as hard as the first time. Kary is convinced that they are hiding at my parents' and every time she talks to Gramma, she asks to talk to Gianni. Aly has grasped the whole moving and traveling a little better. She was recently riding her toy cop car around the house and got frustrated at the slant where carpet meets linoleum. Seeing her angst, i went to give her a push. "It's alright, Mommy, it's just that all this darn ice makes it slickery to drive to Wyoming!"
As 2008 ended, I wanted to do something special for New Years. Since Ian's idea of a fun New Years party is to see who can arrest the most drunks in a night, I came up with the idea to have a Hawaiian/Japanese New Years celebration in honour of his culture. It took until last weekend for everyone to not be sick so we could get our grass skirts on and party! I made a recipe of his mom's that i stole top-secret and incorporated some of his dad's and my grandma's traditions. When Ian came home from drill, we were dressed in our leis and had a great time. Welcome, 2009!